Coop média de Montréal

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May 22, 2012 • Vancouver Media Co-op

Vancouver Rallies for Striking Quebec Students

March 28, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

Red Wave Hits Montreal

250,000 march against tuition fees in Quebec

» Listen: by Tim McSorley

March 19, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

The Ongoing Egyptian Revolution: The challenges and hopes for Egypt, the Palestinian struggle, and the Global Spring.

A Discussion with Egyptian journalist and activist Deena Gamil in Montreal on March 10, 2012 at Café l'Artère, as part of Israeli Apartheid Week

» Listen: by Lillian Boctor

February 26, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

Ticketing of homeless people in Montreal sky-rockets

Researchers, community groups call on city to support, no criminalize, homeless population

» Listen: by Tim McSorley
Montreal : Études en action | Study in Action Fri Mar 2 2012 - Sun Mar 4 2012

February 21, 2012 • Media Co-op

CKUT's Off The Hour: Canada’s National Homelessness Marathon Celebrates Its Tenth Anniversary

In conversation with Aaron Lakoff, Homelessness Marathon Coordinator

» Listen: by Courtney Kirkby (CKUT)

February 20, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

Traitement psychiatrique forcé

» Story: by Stéfanie

The site for the Montreal local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.