Coop média de Montréal

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March 25, 2013 • Coop Média de Montréal

Montreal Hospitals Facing a "Toxic Culture": St-Mary's Physician

Junior doctor says his name Is being defamed because he reported medical errors

March 23, 2013 • Coop Média de Montréal

See video

Grenades assourdissantes: Que cache le SPVM?

March 23, 2013 • Coop Média de Montréal

Montreal Police Flashbang Style

December 22, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

Idle No More in Egypt

Patricia Stein, a Lakota from North Dakota, on hunger strike in solidarity with Chief Theresa Spence, and participating in #IdleNoMore from Cairo

» Listen: by Lillian Boctor

December 16, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

Vers de réelles alternatives à la prostitution pour les femmes (partie 2 de 2)

Période de questions

December 15, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

Vers de réelles alternatives à la prostitution pour les femmes (partie 1 de 2)

Julie Bindel et Claudia Bouchard

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