Coop média de Montréal

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November 21, 2011 • Coop Média de Montréal

CKUT's Off the Hour: Health and Safety at Occupy Montreal

An exploration of how Occupy Montreal manages health and safety at La Place des Peuples

» Listen: by Ray Corkum

November 9, 2011 • Coop Média de Montréal

CKUT's Wednesday Morning After: Naître à la pointe initiative explores alternaive birthing care

Interview with Céline Bianchi

» Listen: by Lindsay Campbell

November 7, 2011 • Coop Média de Montréal

CKUT's Off the Hour: Pro Choice meets Pro Life After 40 days of Vigils to End Legalized Abortions at Morgentaler Clinic

Interview with Claudine Jacques and Sheila Copps

» Listen: by Alanna MacNevin

October 26, 2011 • Coop Média de Montréal

Second part of a major interview with Franklin Lòpez made during his tour in so-called «Montreal» about his movie End:Civ

in the context of the upcoming screening at Cinema Politica Concordia november 7th

» Listen:

October 16, 2011 • Coop Média de Montréal

Tout est là

Pour tous ceux qui se demandent encore quelles sont les raisons derrière l'occupation des bourses du monde, voici une image qui parle d'elle-même..

» Story: by O.D.Asselin

October 16, 2011 • Coop Média de Montréal

Occupy Montréal : Série de photos

» 6 photos: View by Olivier D. Asselin

The site for the Montreal local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.