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Ellen Gabriel - Protect Mother Earth for Present and Future Generations

by Kim Dockstader

See video

For the NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION AGAINST PIPELINES, the Community of Kanehsatà:ke with those concerned with the Environment did a Peaceful Protest to oppose the Pipelines in Oka Park on Traditional Kanien'kehà:ka Territory. Here is a part of the speech of Ellen Gabriel.

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Kim Dockstader (Dockstader)
Montreal, Saint-Jérôme
Member since mars 2012


Je suis une journaliste indépendante formée par le travail de terrain des luttes alternatives et radicales. J'ai travaillé collectivement durant la dernière année et je me remets à produire seule certains photoreportages d'événements et enregistrements vidéo de conférences. Je suis préoccupéEs par la défense de la terre et de sa biodiversité ainsi que par la protection et la création de modes de vie soutenables tout comme de relations égalitaires entre les humainEs. Je couvre principalement des événements anticolonialistes, féministes et/ou antispécistes. (Photo du profil prise par Guillaum Gibault, photographe naturaliste)

45 words


Portrait de anabraxas


"We could have been occupying this park... and not let Enbridge workers come in. We haven't done that... because we want peace, from your government. From Harper and Marois."

So you people just DON'T want to resist and wanna let the train pass. Because you want "peace"...

Of course, the State, its corporations and its police only want peace.

Social peace. As in "total domination", and the possibility for all their corporate affiliates to have it their way with the land, just as they do with people's bodies. Unchallenged, and unaccounted for. After all, that's "neoliberalism", isn't it?

Furthermore... who is that "We"!? I know for a fact there's many Natives across Canada who really don't agree with this self-defeating posturing, that allows the fat cats to do whatever they want with the land.

Portrait de Kim Dockstader

Thanks for your comment but...

when anticolonial anarchists in «Quebec» will do something else than symbolic actions like demos, attacking ATM and putting paint on walls, I will consider more seriously their critics.

Portrait de anabraxas

A decent jab that needs

A decent jab that deserves consideration... :)  especially given the apparent lack of concrete resistance from Montreal.

But ATM sabotage is more than just symbolic, unless you consider economic damage as "symbolic action" too, which is partly right. It's rather a blurry notion, actually.



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