I took this photo just after heading outside of a Dominion Grocery Store in St. John's. I must have taken about 50 photos and drove my friends up the wall as they were waiting in the car honking the horn. The store used to be a historic hockey arena where the St. John's Maple Leafs used to play before some players made it big tyme. I wanted to feed them some food since they were not allowed inside, and come to think about it, I don't think we should be eating most of the food in there anyway. There are more than a ducks/geese flying abilities that poke at our jealousy, it's also an advantage to swim in cold water 24/7 and not be bothered by it. Us humans often enough get cold feet in the department of learning how to grow and eat our own food, therefore our quality of life on all levels goes down the drain of disconnected sustainablity. This very duck was a model citizen who was challenging the space I was in. We were both there for the same thing, surival....and the pro and cons point to duck as the winner. Duck got it for free, I got it for a cost of money and a manufactured positon in society, the consumer, not the grower, not the full-time farmer, rather the photographer who should know better.... RN Wagner, Should Ducks replace cars in the grocery store parking lots?