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posted by communard in on mars 1, 2011 - View profile



Vendredi Mars 18 2011

Venue: UQAM
Address: A-M050 | Pavillon Hubert-Aquin | UQAM


Atelier/débat avec le climatosceptique
et physicien Denis Rancourt

** English description follows
...**SVP publier et faire circuler:

« J'avance qu'il y a de fortes motivations sociétales, institutionnelles et psychologiques pour avoir construit et pour continuer de maintenir le mythe de la menace dominante d'un réchauffement climatique. Je décris ces motivations en termes du fonctionnement de la profession scientifique ainsi que du réseau corporatif global et financier et ses représentations gouvernementales. »

Denis Rancourt est le professeur de physique auteur de l'essai controversé et provocant, publié en 2007, critiquant à la fois les sciences climatiques et le mouvement activiste environnemental:

“Global Warming: Truth or Dare?”

*Voir davantage de citations de l'essai à la fin de la description en anglais.

Rancourt a continué a élaborer ses idées et a été régulièrement interviewé dans les médias et sur les campus universitaires concernant sa critique.

Rancourt est aussi un activiste réputé de la «pédagogie de la libération». En ce sens, il guidera cet atelier/présentation selon une approche socratique inspirée par la méthode de Paulo Freire, adaptée pour une large participation.

Plutôt que de simplement formuler sa critique, Rancout utilisera une approche qui fait naturellement ressortir les positions et convictions des participants, tout en guidant le groupe vers une autocritique rigoureuse qui examine l'image de soi ainsi que la position hiérarchique de l'individu par rapport au changement climatique.

Ceci fournira le contexte dans lequel Rancourt clarifiera sa critique à propos du sujet et de ses dimensions socio-psycho-politiques.

Il sera alors possible de répondre à des questions telles que : « Pourquoi sommes nous si enflammé-e-s à propos du changement climatique? »

D'intéressants essais constitutifs de la pensée de Rancourt sont disponibles sur son blog:

►Joignez-vous à nous pour cet événement semi-participatif unique!
►Amenez vos opinions, convictions, biais et votre personne dans son authenticité.
►Vous risquez de ne jamais pouvoir considérer encore les bulletins météorologiques comme étant apolitiques.

Les portes ouvriront à 18h!!

Lien vers l'essai “Global Warming: Truth or Dare?”:

Un autre essai introduisant la position de l'auteur:

Entrevue clé sur l'essai “Global Warming: Truth or Dare?”:


Blog sur le climat géré par Denis Rancourt:


Please post and distribute:

Atelier/débat avec le climatosceptique
et physicien Denis Rancourt

“I advance that there are strong societal, institutional, and psychological motivations for having constructed and for continuing to maintain the myth of a global warming dominant threat. I describe these motivations in terms of the workings of the scientific profession and of the global corporate and finance network and its government shadows.”

Denis Rancourt is the physics professor author of the controversial and challenging 2006 essay critical of both climate science and the environmental activism movement:

“Global Warming: Truth or Dare?”

See more quotes from the essay below.

Rancourt continued to elaborate his ideas and has been regularly interviewed in the media and on university campuses about his critique.

Rancourt is also a well known “pedagogy of liberation” activist. As such, he will lead this workshop/presentation following a Socratic approach inspired by the method of Paulo Freire, adapted for a large “audience”.

Rather than simply deliver his critique, Rancourt will use an approach that naturally draws out the positions and beliefs of the participants and guides the group towards a rigorous self-critique that examines the individual’s self-image and hierarchical position in relation to climate change.

This will provide the context in which Rancourt will be able to clarify his critique about the subject and its socio-psycho-political dimensions.

Among other points, we may discover an answer to: “Why are we so heated about climate change?”

Interesting background explorations are contained in Rancourt’s many essays:

►Please join us for a unique semi-participatory event.
►Bring your opinions, beliefs, bias, and authentic self.
►You may never again consider weather reports to be apolitical.

Doors open at 18h.

More quotes from the February 2007 essay by Rancourt:

“I argue that by far the most destructive force on the planet is power-driven financiers and profit-driven corporations and their cartels backed by military might; and that the global warming myth is a red herring that contributes to hiding this truth. In my opinion, activists who, using any justification, feed the global warming myth have effectively been co-opted, or at best neutralized.”

“Environmental scientists and government agencies get funding to study and monitor problems that do not threaten corporate and financial interests. It is therefore no surprise that they would attack continental-scale devastation from resource extraction via the CO2 back door. The main drawback with this strategy is that you cannot control a hungry monster by asking it not to shit as much.”

“Global warming is strictly an imaginary problem of the First World middleclass. Nobody else cares about global warming. Exploited factory workers in the Third World don’t care about global warming. Depleted uranium genetically mutilated children in Iraq don’t care about global warming. Devastated aboriginal populations the world over also can’t relate to global warming, except maybe as representing the only solidarity that we might volunteer.”

“It’s not about limited resources. [“The amount of money spent on pet food in the US and Europe each year equals the additional amount needed to provide basic food and health care for all the people in poor countries, with a sizeable amount left over.” (UN Human Development Report, 1999)] It’s about exploitation, oppression, racism, power, and greed. Economic, human, and animal justice brings economic sustainability which in turn is always based on renewable practices. Recognizing the basic rights of native people automatically moderates resource extraction and preserves natural habitats. Not permitting imperialist wars and interventions automatically quenches nation-scale exploitation. True democratic control over monetary policy goes a long way in removing debt-based extortion. Etc.”

Link to the Essay:

Another related introductory essay:

A key interview about the essay:


Climate blog managed by Denis Rancourt:

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