Coop média de Montréal

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posted by communard on Dec 6, 2011 - View profile


"Chili: Pueblo en Guerra"

- 10:00pm
Wednesday December 7 2011

Venue: La Belle Époque
Address: 1984 Wellington

» More information



Mouvements populaires et insurrectionnels au Chili d'une perspective
anarchiste. Discussion à propos de la récente vague de révolte, son
contexte et ce que l'on peut apprendre de la vaste culture de rsistance
et de lutte au Chili.
(en francais)


Popular and insurrectionary movements in Chile from an anarchist
perspective. A discussion about the recent wave of unrest, its context
and what we can learn from the broad culture of resistance and struggle
in Chile.
(in French, whisper translation available)

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74 words

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