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Assemblée communautaire de La Belle Époque // La Belle Époque Community Assembly

- 7:00pm
Saturday December 14 2013

Venue: La Belle Époque, espace social anarchiste
Address: 1984 rue Wellington, métro Charlevoix
Cost: Gratuit/Free
Accessibility: Main room is wheelchair accessible but the bathroom is not

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Assemblée communautaire de La Belle Époque


Une opportunité de discuter avec le collectif et d'autre membre de la
communauté sur l'espace et son utilisation.

Nous pensons que notre espace est sous utilisé et aimerions savoir comment
nous pourrions encouragé plus de gens à l'utiliser, et le rendre plus

Nous ne voulons pas que des suggestion pour nous, mais aussi des projets
que nous pouvons aider à accomplir.

Venez armer d'idées, nous aurrons des collations!




La Belle Epoque Community Assembly


An opportunity for people to talk to the collective and each other about
the space, how it is used, and how they would like to see it used.

We feel that the space is under-used, and would like to know how we can
facilitate more people using the space, and make more people feel welcome
in the space.

We don't really want this discussion to be too focused on pitching ideas
for the collective to carry out, because we are pretty tapped out. We do,
however, want to talk about your ideas for the space and how we can help
you see them through.

So come armed with insights, ideas and suggestions! There will be
delicious snacks provided.

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