It gets worse! A trans and queer focused show!
5$\contribution volontaire
En tournée de Halifax dans un «truck» de chocolat à la menthe, ces queers, trans et alliéEs torrides et réfléchis nous amènent des histoires de célébration et de survie à travers des chansons vulnérables et acoustiques accordé à l'air Montréal.
Mettant en vedette:
Milligrub! (Pop punk acoustique mélodique et lyrique)
Filthy Liars! (Duo punk acoustique émotionnellement chargé)
Jakery! (Chansons calmes et réflectives jouées au ukulélé)
Shay! (Partage de déconstruction personnel et extérieur)
It gets worse! A trans and queer focused show!
5 bucks PWYC
Touring from Halifax in a mint chocolate dream mobile, these sultry,
brooding, trans, queer and allied folks are bringing stories of
celebration and survival as well as quiet vulnerable acoustic tunes to
your fine city
Mulligrub! (Melodic, Lyrical acoustic pop punk!)
Filthy Liars! (2 piece emotionally charged acoustic punk)
Jakery! (Quiet, thoughtful ukelele tunes)
Shay! (Sharing words of personal and external deconstruction)
The site for the Montreal local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.