C'est quoi l'anarchie? Vous-êtes confusE?
Vous êtes interresséEs à discuter des idées radicales qui ont inspirés les révoltes et les luttes de libération du derniers siècle? Cet atelier
d'introduction propose des discutions sur les racines historique de
l'anarchisme tout en focusant sur les courants et pratiques de
l'anarchisme contemporain.
Anarchy 101 : An introduction to Anarchism
Confused by what the word 'Anarchism' means?
Interested in discussing radical ideas that have inspired uprisings and
liberatory struggles for over a century? This introductory workshop will
discuss some of the historical roots of anarchism while focusing on the
main tenets of current anarchist theory and practice.
The site for the Montreal local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.