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Projection du film THX 1138 // Screening of THX 1138

- 10:00pm
Wednesday November 7 2012

Venue: La Belle Époque, Esapce Social Anarchiste
Address: 1984 rue Wellington, Métro Charlevoix
Cost: Free
Accessibility: Not Wheelchair Accessible

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Projection du film THX 1138

(En anglais avec sous-titres français)

Dans une société souterraine du futur, les hommes vivent sous sédatifs. Ils sont socialement brimés par un pouvoir totalitaire et invisible au sein d'un univers blanc monochrome. Sous l'impulsion de sa compagne LUH 3417, l'ouvrier THX 1138 accepte de fuir avec elle. En conflit avec le chef de LUH 3417 (SEN 5241) qu'il dénonce, THX 1138 se retrouve finalement aussi en prison. THX 1138 est inculpé d'avoir enfreint la règle du sexe interdit avec LUH 3417 et pour n'avoir pas pris certaines des drogues obligatoires (que LUH 3417 lui remplaçait pour le sortir de son état robotique).


Screening of THX 1138

(English w/ French subtitles)

THX 1138 is a 1971 science fiction film directed by George Lucas in his
feature directorial debut. Written by Lucas and Walter Murch, it stars
Robert Duvall and Donald Pleasence and depicts a dystopian future in which
the populace is controlled through android police officers and mandatory
use of drugs that suppress emotion, including sexual desire.

In a city of the future, sexual intercourse is outlawed and use of
mind-altering drugs is mandatory. Narcotics are critical both in
maintaining compliance among the city's residents and also for ensuring
their ability to conduct dangerous and demanding tasks for long periods of
time. The inhabitants worship a godlike being known as "OMM 0910", with
whom they commune in telephone booth-like areas known as Unichapels. At
their jobs, SEN 5241 and LUH 3417 keep surveillance on the city and field
questions (mostly about proper drug intake).

LUH has a male roommate, THX 1138. He works in a factory producing
androids that function as police officers. The work is hazardous as it
requires handling explosive and radioactive material. LUH becomes
disillusioned and makes a conscious decision to break the law and stop
taking her drugs. She subsequently secretly substitutes inactive pills for
THX's medications. As the drug's effects wear off, THX finds himself
experiencing authentic emotions and sexual desire for the first time.

At first conflicted and nauseated, he eventually connects with LUH.
Knowing that their relationship is illegal, THX must decide whether to
return to using the prescribed drugs, or escape with LUH. He knows that he
will not be able to function without his drugs while at his demanding job,
but he does not want to lose what he has created with LUH. They consider
an escape to the "superstructure," where they hope to be able to live in

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