Bêtes Humaines [Human Beasts] is a web series consisting of five fiction short films. Each film shows a story which takes place at a different line of the Montreal metro. Each story is named after the color of the line in which the story unfolds. The project has been realised as part of the contest of Fond TV5. Betes Humaines (Human Beasts) is a project by Hala Alsalman and Sarah Olivia Mizrahi The entire project on-line: http://video.tv5.ca/betes-humaines/orange
This interview was originally aired on The Wednesday Morning After as part of Moving Picture Radio on WEdnesday, November 9, 2011 8-9 am
The site for the Montreal local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.