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Against prostitution: An interview with Cherry Smiley from the Indigenous Women Against the Sex Industry

by S.D. in collaboration with Média Recherche Action

From the facebook page of IWASI
From the facebook page of IWASI
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Média Recherche Action ()

Member since May 2012


Média Recherche Action est un collectif de recherche et d'éducation, de production audio, d'ateliers, de textes, de traductions, de diffusion électronique, bientôt de vidéos et de photographies... Nous réalisons et réaliserons entrevues, reportages, couvertures d'événements, documentaires... Ce collectif est dédié à diffuser de l'information pertinente aux individuEs, activistes, organisations (…) préoccupéEs par la défense de la terre et de sa biodiversité ainsi que par la protection et la création de modes de vie soutenables tout comme de relations égalitaires entre les humainEs. Le projet Média Recherche Action a pour objectif d'enquêter sur différentes situations d'oppression et de destruction environnementale ainsi que de contribuer à faire connaître une diversité de luttes anticolonialistes, féministes, anticapitalistes, anticivilisationnelles (…) qui s'y opposent. Média Recherche Action visera aussi à organiser mensuellement un cabaret d'actualités mettant de l'avant des performances artistiques radicalement engagées, des présentations multimédia, des projections visuelles et sonores, des lectures, des interventions, des expositions... Avis à celles et ceux qui seraient intéresséEs à nous recevoir dans leurs espaces ! Pour communiquer avec nous: Aussi sur facebook: Nous diffusons plein d'actualités,d'analyses, d'événements... sur notre fil d'actualités : Suivez-nous aussi sur à * * * Media Research action is a collective that performs a wide range of activities, including research and education, audio production, workshops on a variety of topics, texts and translations, online distribution, videography and photography (soon). We produce documentaries as well as cover events and do interviews and reporting. The collective is dedicated to broadcasting relevant information to individuals, activists, organizations, etc that are concerned with defending the land and its biodiversity, as well as the creation and protection of sustainable livelihoods and egalitarian relationships between humans. The Media Research Action project aims to investigate into different situations of oppression and environmental destruction as well as raise awareness about a variety of anti-colonial, feminist, anti-capitalist, anti-civilization etc struggles who oppose them. Media Research Action will also seek to organize monthly cabarets, bringing forward radically committed artistic performances, visual projections and readings, interventions, exhibits... Anyone interested in welcoming us in their space are encouraged to get in touch with us. To contact us: Also on facebook: We are also disseminating information, analysis, events... on this other Facebook page : Follow us also on at

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anabraxas's picture

Um... Anti-sex? This is too


Um... Anti-sex? This is too close to "1984" for comfort. But was that a weird joke?

So what is it that those “anarchist traitors” did to the Native women... are they abusing and brutalizing prostitutes, sending them to jail and taking away their children in the process? No, it’s authoritarians of the State who do that, the bureaucrats and their goons, being the biggest defenders of criminal, abusive forms of prostitution, in the same way as they support slave labor for refugees and prisoners, and the control over drug trade from behind the scene. But no single word from the “Anti-sex Committee” about that.

Prostitution, chemical drugs and alcohol are plaguing and destroying Native communities, it’s a fact for sure. All supported by the Ministry of Indian Affairs and the RCMP, and the capitalist rats within the Native communities that they defend. But for some reason it’s the anarchist and the radical militants who are the traitors, and all those who seek to develop self-defense and empowerment of prostitutes.

This is a trademark of PROVOCATEURS to never accuse their superiors, who’ll instead go down on the rebellious people, thus taking part in “divide and conquer” tactics. I know there are many of those collaborators among Native people, and that’s been the way of British imperialism worldwide of assimilating the colonized to their power structure.

There's no such thing as "pro-sex" anarchists that "promote prostitution", but there sure are anarchist prostitutes, just like contract workers in general, for whom that’s their autonomous way of earning a living, and feeding their children. Who else than despotic bureaucrats and fascists would blame them for keeping it between themselves and their clients? Who are they harming, really?

Dictatorship of an organic “collective” is fascism, no matter how one pretends its part of some traditional native culture. Here Cherry Smiley (is this a joke name, for a joke reactionary action?) talks against the “evil” of self-empowerment and individualism. But capitalist society is anti-individualist too, you know... so is rape culture, where women are seen as mere pieces of sexual merchandise, and not unique persons with a life, a personal story, sensitivity and consciousness. The individual does not exist in fascism, and its the direction of capitalism takes all the time, to format and repress the individual, eventually to eradicate it.

A case of Leftism gone wrong, beyond belief...

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