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Cell Phones (What every activist needs to know)

Here's some scary information you need to know about cell phones, and your privacy.

by By Daniel J Towsey

Cell Phones
(What every activist needs to know)
By Daniel J Towsey

All Truth Soldiers Need to know this.

Here's some scary information you need to know about cell phones, and your privacy.

All conversations on digital cell phones are stored forever. They never erase the digital files. [As well as the GPS location of the cell phone or vehicle.]
The GPS pinpoints you to within a few feet. If you are being stalked or spied on. They send out agents that know where you are. The agents carry small hand held units that zero in on you.

Your cell phone is a listening device. They can listen to all your conversations within fifty feet of the phone whether the phone is on or not.

The software that permits them to take over your phone is not preinstalled. They install it by making a very quick call to
your phone. And the phone does not need to be on and it does not ring.

They also are able to read all your stored information such as telephone numbers in your phones memory.

They can even remotely turn on and ring your phone. They can and have changed the ring tone with a voice message. Such as 'Answer your phone' or anything else they want to say.

If your phone has a camera. They can see everything that the lenses is pointing at. anytime!

The digital files of your voice can be used to create a computerized conversation with your own voice. This can be used against you. Someone can actually make a call using your voice and speak to anyone you know. They would actually believe they are talking to you. They use a computer program to replace the callers voice as they speak.

Cell phone also can and do read any RFID chips that are near it. Many more items including clothing has RFID chips in them. With these chips they can even tell what you’re wearing and what color your clothes is.

They can even use your voice track to transmit microwave sound to you while you sleep. You would actually think they are your own thoughts. This can be done through any walls. I am not kidding. This technology was developed long ago. After all microwaves are sound wave.

Some cell phones have the option to be set to work in analog. Set it that way. It is well worth it. Even if phone does not work as well.

Ask when you get your phone if you can set it to analog.

Any calls made to your phone can not be traced. The calls well appear to come from your own house phone.

Also it does not matter that your phone is not listed.

One last thing. In North America, all cell phone systems are controlled by Israeli companies. All land lines are pre-wired for eavesdropping by the same companies.

And this is related, so I thought I would mention it here. If you have an anti-theft system on your vehicle. It probably has GPS too. And if it has Ontrac. They can listen in to all conversations while you are in your vehicle.

Oh I forgot to mention a very important thing. The telephone does not need to be turned on for them to do these things. Removing the battery is a good idea.

I am not guessing here. I know this is done from reading court transcripts from intelligence trials.

Daniel J Towsey June 24, 2007

Translated to Portuguese Portugues

Be sure to go to
file folder on invasion of privacy Cell Phones.. you will find amazing information there.

Follow Truth Soldier on twitter

Warning" " If you or kids take pics from your phone?

"Warning" If you, your kids or grand kids take pics from your phone---WATCH THIS!

This is alarming - please take the time to watch. At the end they'll tell you how to set your phone so you don't run this risk!

This is important info, about what your posting things on your cell phones can do TO YOU!
Too much technology so beware....If you have children or grandchildren you NEED to watch this. I had no idea this could happen from taking pictures on the blackberry or cell phone.. It's scary.

10 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

USA PATRIOT ACT makes your cell phone a tracking weapon

If You Value Your Privacy, Dump Your Iphone. Seriously.

How Cell Phone Spy Technology Has Improved?

Your Cell Phone Can Still Be On Even If You Turn It Off Recording Everything You Do And Say In Front Of Why
Maxx J Frankel do you know what a primary source is?
Daniel J Towsey you know..what critical thinking is?
Do you know to seek truth?
Do you know about protecting sources?
Maxx J Frankel Yeah i was doing some critical thinking when i looked up the latin and hebrew word for truth and realized they don't start with T. Why spread bullshit if you are supposed to spread truth. You know that what you do carries tremendous responsibility yet you are so sloppy. You are going to lose all the people you need to persuade to make a change with that strategy, and get all the people you really could do without.

yeah im a internet troll hired by the nwo to take you down because you are a "free thinker" thats why i gave you that advice.

If i really was a troll i would say:

keep calling people sheeple... it works wonders on get them to listen to what you have to say. Also using the words evil, occult, matrix, conspiracy, they will get tons of people to follow your movement.

come on son.

there are other ways from protecting your sources and still showing evidence than just saying some bullshit and making it look like you did not do any research except look at some other crazy dudes paranoid fantasies.
Daniel J Towsey Hey Max...Did you notice I am not writing in Latin or Hebrew?
Maxx J Frankel "Jesus was a Truth Soldier..ever notice that his cross is a t for truth? because God is the truth."

My statement was in response to this bullshit.

Are you telling me the Romans got together and said... "hey.. we should start killing people on crucifixes because someday, hundreds and hundreds of years from now, the first letter of the word "truth" in English will look like the pieces of wood we will put together to nail and suffocate people we don't like... and one day one of those people will be the messiah, born of a virgin mother, only to be slain by us, the people he wishes to grant the graces of God... Why yes, that is a great idea."

my point is you are making comparisons that dont exist. If Christ did exist as legend has it, he was a person who fought for the poor, and the sick, was a man of peace, justice and virtue. And he would have been a lot better of convincing me anything you are trying to say, even though there is some of it I probably do already agree with.

You ask a lot of questions and give few answers.
Maxx J Frankel Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action. In its exemplary form, it is based on universal intellectual values that transcend subject matter divisions: clarity, *accuracy*, precision, consistency, relevance, **sound evidence***, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness.

"I am not guessing here. I know this is done from reading court transcripts from intelligence trials."

^ hook a brother up with copies of those transcripts. that would be the primary sources im looking for, and you dont have to protect anyone.
Maxx J Frankel oh yeah, that definition came from the Foundation for Critical Thinking

that would have been silly of me to post something like that with out including a source, after making such a big fuss about you not showing sources.
Daniel J Towsey So go do some critical thinking..go to TheTruthSoldiersClub and go look in the 'Invassion of privacy' folder then go read all the evedence about cell phones.. If I remember correctly..I mentioned that in my article..

Since you know what critical thinking some..
Maxx J Frankel cant even hook a brother up with a link
Maxx J Frankel okay after creating a yahoo account, joining the group.. and finding Invasion of Privacy.. which one are you talking about that is the primary document you used to come to this conclusion.
Maxx J Frankel this is what someone who isn't a dick does when trying to get the truth out:
Daniel J Towsey Max first of all a primary link is not possiblee as you have to be a member to access the the link.

Second you have shown me that you can not do critical thinking...

You want me to spoon fed everything to you..

Will go do some reading and while your reading you will discover even more about cell phones then what I wrote.

How to Use a Cell Phone As a Listening Device | **
If you've ever wanted to listen in on a conversation, but didn't know how to bug a room, then you should know that it's easy to use a cell phone as a listening device ...

Tracking Devices in Cell Phones | *
Are there tracking devices in cell phones? ... Have Cell Phones Become Personal Tracking Devices? ... Listening to Cell Phone Calls

FBI Can Eavesdrop on You Even When Your Cell Phone is Turned Off - ****
FBI can turn on the mic of your cell phone and eaves drop on you even when the phone is turned off. Daily hand picked amazing and funny videos. Watch the latest viral videos, music videos, movie trailers, vidcasts and more.

There is no shortage of articles these days..

I wrote the above article long before it was known to most..

So for a critical thinker I am amazed you could not do a simple search online.

Daniel J Towsey Maxx your the dick..I have been polite with you and you just attack me with your shit mouth...

Maxx J Frankel

some of the other things i read were nonsense.

I did not find court cases today. maybe tomorrow i will.

Maxx J Frankel yeah im from nyc, we have attitude. you haven't been all that polite either. just because you dont say the words "bullshit", or "dick", does not mean you weren't being a snobbish dick to me.

Daniel J Towsey Maxx the original court case is why all this information is now out..The court case was about eight years ago..that information will be hard to find but it is no longer necessary..

Plus there somewhere info about Bush making it mandatory by law that all new cells phones be equipped with this option when the cell phones went from analogue to digital in 2001

Maxx J Frankel yes i wanted everything spoon feed... why the hell do i have to look up your sources? you have them right on your computer, you could have just sent them over. but no, i had to create another email, then use a system i am completely alien to, to find some files that I still have not had the patience to find.

Could you please show me the mandatory law that new phones have to have this option, so when people ask me about this i can have evidence for what i am talking about, and not sound like a lunatic.

Daniel J Towsey hey by the way ..our thread of responses will be included as comments with all my future postings of this article..So hey you will be read by many more over the years..

Maxx J Frankel awesome I am a celebrity.

Daniel J Towsey anyway..thanks for the comments..a little bit of attitude is means were not you have my respect..

Lets keep the battle going to defeat the insane Zionist NWO..

Maxx J Frankel You do realize this whole argument has more to do with you improving how you spread information than it does anything else right? If you want people to believe you off the bat, instead of wasting their time and your time looking for sources... just put the sources in there.

and there were no sources for you to protect any of that time so why were you asking me if i knew anything about protecting sources.. you made yourself sound really important there though... that was pretty bad ass.

Maxx J Frankel lol werd up

Maxx J Frankel man you lose me with the Zionist thing but whatever lets agree to disagree on somethings.

Daniel J Towsey Hey I am just checking out your site..I love hip hop...when I can understand the words that ius..hahaha

Maxx J Frankel thats why my music doesn't really have words most of the time.. i mainly make beats. thanks for checking it out.

Maxx J Frankel!/pages/Maxx-Scian/114246771036

^ if you feel like adding my facebook page theres the link for that

peace, keep doing what you do, keep refining your message, it makes the reality easier to share.

however be careful>

Daniel J Towsey haha yes if we always agreed we would be pussies..hey man yes Zionism is very real and it really has little to do with Jews..anyone can be a Zionist..But the real enemies are the international banksters....trying to own the world..

Daniel J Towsey I really like 'Immortal technique"

Maxx J Frankel yeah he has been popular among people in the truth movement.

Maxx J Frankel you might like Dead Prez too if you like him.

Daniel J Towsey We I am listening to you stuff..It is pretty good so far...oh here comes the next song..

Daniel J Towsey hey you must play at clubs..your stuff sounds great

Maxx J Frankel thanks. im working on doing a 2011 circuit of NYC.

Maxx J Frankel maybe i will make it up to Quebec sometime this year. No one has heard about me up there though lol

Maxx J Frankel oh you are in nova scotia according to your profile now... even less people know about me over there hahah

Daniel J Towsey Montreal will love you..I am from there but I now live in deadville Nova Scotia..I am thinking of moving back to Montreal..where the ladies are really fineeeee

Maxx J Frankel HELLS YEAH! When i was in Montreal as a teenager that's all the sightseeing i did! The women there are some of the most gorgeous women I have ever seen.

Daniel J Towsey Most people in Nova Scotia know nothing... I am a revolutionary here..

Maxx J Frankel i bet they know how to fish and a lot about boats.

Daniel J Towsey yeah thats about all they know..

Daniel J Towsey Man your music has got i have allot of great sound systems in my place.. My main stereo is like concert speakers..I love music..I have your tunes playing kind of loud it is 6 am . I guess I will wake some neighbors.. They think twice about banging on my ceiling..My sound system actually will literally shake everything in their place if i just turn it up a bit..That is what we call stereo wars...I just drove my last neighbor out..ahahha

Maxx J Frankel thanks. you can down load my first album for free at

Maxx J Frankel i appreciate the compliments!

Daniel J Towsey Hey I appreciate great creative sounds

Daniel J Towsey Hey know my passion is photography.. you have my permission to use any image you like can download the hi-res pictures at I have allot more pics then this..

Maxx J Frankel cool, then you are going to like that first album a lot. its a concept album about post 9/11 american, set in new york city... it is mainly instrumental, but features skits from real life that i recorded on a field recorder between 2007 and 2008.

heres the album description:

"Come Wander With Me" is a multi-genre album that harnesses the anxious emotions of New York City post 9/11/2001. Maxx Scian's off-beat eclectic arrangements blended with live recordings of organic "only-could-have-been-heard-in-New-York-City" experiences, resonate the sounds of the decade; one defined by insecurity, confusion, and its absence of a concrete identity."

Sweet photos.. i will check them all out tomorrow, i need to go to bed, its 5 am in nyc. It was good chatting with you Daniel. Good Night.

Miguel Urbina Artful trolling, to be sure. It really is exquisite.

Maxx J Frankel lol i was helping a dude post his sources, telling him the benefits of why you should do that in the first place instead of after arguments, and show him he might encounter conflicts in the future, thus improving his message.. if that is trolling then bless the people who do that.

and in the end we became friends :D

Spencer D. Marks I think that that was about the happiest ending to an internet gunfight that the world has ever seen. That was amazing! Serious kudos to both of you! :)

Daniel J Towsey Spencer if only all other serious world political issues could end this way..we would have what I seek and that is PEACE ON EARTH FOR ALL (Jan 6 2011)

North Oregon Coast Anti-Chemtrail Alliance Good stuff! Thanks, Daniel.


Thank you for this very useful infomation..I was not aware of this crap...clearly another way to invade our privacy!

hilly7 has posted a reply to the topic "Cell Phones - All Truth Soldiers Need to know this." you replied to in the forum "Basic Human Rights":

"Well I didn't read all of this, I do know that the Active Denial System is microwave technology. You don't have to be in a "space suit", just not in the direct path of the beam. As for the original post, who knows. We know exactly what we are told, and that is about it, so I will not say none of this is incorrect. The shadow government is bigger than we have a clue about, just as it was in Nazi Germany. What I will say is that the nazification of our country sucks. Now I really don't care if they read this or hear this, just so long as they know this. "

Please click the following link to view it:

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danieltowsey (Daniel J Towsey )
Halifax Nova Scotia
Member since October 2011


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