Coop média de Montréal

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Cooperatives Working Group

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The Cooperatives group plans and discusses coverage of worker coops, consumer coops, solidarity coops, and other forms of democratically run businesses or community institutions.

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Posts in Cooperatives

July 23, 2013 • Coop Média de Montréal

JAM~CUTV Call Out * Food Justice and Local Media

August 2, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

Mise en abîme à Lac Barrière

Les Algonquins de Lac Barrière font plier le gouvernement et la société Produits forestiers Résolu après trois semaines de mobilisation

» Story: by Arij Riahi

March 8, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

The Occupation of Workplace Democracy: Challenges and solutions for a solidarity economy

Part two of an interview with Cheyenna Weber of SolidarityNYC

» Story: by Dru Oja Jay

March 1, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

Mountain Equipment Co-op Proposes Screening Process for Board Candidates

» Blog: posted by dru

March 1, 2012 • Coop Média de Montréal

Cooperating to Replace Capitalism

Part one of an interview with Cheyenna Weber of SolidarityNYC

» Story: by Dru Oja Jay - 1 comments

November 15, 2011 • Coop Média de Montréal

See video

City Claims Winterized Structures at Occupy Montreal Pose Fire Risk

» Video: Watch by Neal Rockwell

November 14, 2011 • Coop Média de Montréal

CKUT Radio: Reflections on political history of community radio

discussion with journalist Samaa Elibyari on political history of community radio from Egypt to Canada.

» Listen: by Stefan Christoff

June 6, 2011 • Coop Média de Montréal

Uprisings, human rights violations and violence against children in Syria

Interview with three activists for the Montreal Collective for Syria

» Listen: by CKUT News Collective

January 1, 2011 • Toronto Media Co-op

Interview with Amy Miller

Director of 'Myths for Profit'

November 29, 2010 • Media Co-op

A Penny For Your Thoughts!

» Blog: posted by Moira Peters

September 26, 2010 • Coop Média de Montréal

Ensemble pour demain no. 3

Troisième édition du journal de la Conférence internationale « Quel projet de société pour demain ? »

» Story:

September 23, 2010 • Coop Média de Montréal

Ensemble pour demain no. 2

Deuxième édition de la journal de la conférence international « Quelle projet de societé pour demain ? »

» Story:

September 22, 2010 • Coop Média de Montréal

Ensemble pour demain no. 1

Premiere édition de la journal de la conférence international « Quelle projet de societé pour demain ? »

» Story:

The site for the Montreal local of The Media Co-op has been archived and will no longer be updated. Please visit the main Media Co-op website to learn more about the organization.